Wei Yi International designed this inspiring industrial apartment located in Shanghai, China. Take a look at the complete story below.
China, the ancient oriental culture synonymous. Through history of thousands of years, it bred the profound cultural conversation. From history, culture, art to architecture, to explore all aspects of the breadth and depth of its coverage, unfathomable. This project is patterned elements, Chinese landscape painting and construction, the use of the concept, which is vital to a ring.
In Chinese culture of painting, landscape plays a significant role. One single color ink can be manipulated through its saturations, accompanied by charm of the strokes, to bring out the whole prospect of view. Just like in a landscape painting, the space in this case is similar to the ink. The utilization of the ink’s saturation and lightness together with layers of the scenery give viewers the feeling of being inside of the painting. The texture of the space includes the elements of Chinese architecture, such as window lattice, grey-white, and white walls, like the scenery in the painting. Dwelling, besides fulfilling the function, it is also a part of the culture’s extension. It is fundamental and the most important part of the whole structure.
The dialogue among the shadow, materials and saturation is so straight-forward and pretentious, and that brings it all back to the nature. The implication between the vertical and horizontal insinuates the harmony and goes way back to the original thought.
When witness the essence of the space, it’s coexisting with everything around it with a balance and modest relationship, and then makes our 5 senses calm with its relaxing and sensational attitude.