With the world seemingly moving faster every year and the general populace putting heavy emphasis on material possessions, it’s no wonder that the Minimalist Movement is starting to take off. People from all backgrounds and generations, from Los Angeles to Leawood, KY are all searching for a way to simplify their lives and give them a higher sense of peace.
The best place to start your minimalism journey is with your own home. No other space in which you spend time has a larger impact on your mood and peace than your own home. Working towards a stylish minimalistic look for your home will take commitment and the willingness to change long-ingrained habits of culture.
Once you make the change, and your home becomes a place of peace and simplicity even your cleaning service in Leawood will love how easy your home is to clean. This is just one of the many benefits of living a minimalist lifestyle. We are going to take a look at some of the initial ways that you can start to convert your home and lifestyle to a minimalist style.
Read more after the jump:
One Room At A Time
If you were to attempt to convert your whole home over to a minimalistic style you may find the process a bit overwhelming. Downsizing and purging your possessions can be an emotional process so it’s a good idea to take the process slowly.
It is recommended that you start with just one room — your bedroom or a spare room, for example. These lower traffic areas of your home can give you the freedom to experiment with a style that is best for you. Once you have one area done you can start working in other areas of the house.
The general rule of minimalism as it has to do with the purging process is pretty straightforward. Take each individual item and decide if it brings you joy or if it is useful. If the item is neither of these things, you can part with it.

Minimalism is about fewer items but not less quality. When you are limiting your furniture items you want to make sure that your design choices make sense for your use. For example, fabrics that are durable and well made are preferable for simply designed furniture. Choose colors and classic lines that can stand the test of time and are easily convertible to different styles and fads with just a few throw pillows or other accessories.
Clear Floors & Walls
So many homes that you visit seem to be packed to the rafters with stuff. A minimalistic lifestyle focuses on what you need and less on what you want. Less decoration on the walls is a big part of the minimalistic style. Well-chosen pieces of art hung on plainly colored walls is a great design trend to follow.
Your floors can have rugs for your comfort but they should not act as an accent. Choose an area rug that is a similar color as the base floors so that the look of the whole surface will flow nicely.
Subdued Colors
Your minimalist look should include a subdued color palette for your decor. Feel free to add a pop of color in your art or decor items. Your walls should all be one color that you can live with in each room of your home. Earth tones and whites are popular minimalistic colors.
If you are looking for a way to change your lifestyle and your attitude towards your own consumerism, the minimalist lifestyle might be for you. Follow these tips and start purging your life of stress and look forward to living a simpler and more peaceful life.