Project: Linkong Block 10-1
Designed by Aedas
Site Area: 24,678 sm
GFA: 49,536 sm
Building Height: 35.5m
Number of Floors: 8 stories
Location: Shanghai, China
Website: www.aedas.com
By making a massive mixed use development project, the Linkong Block 10-1 architects at the world renowned Aedas have created a new city hub accommodating office, retail, gallery, conference and plaza space. For more images and architects description continue after the jump:
From the Architects:
Anchoring at the terminus of the proposed Hongqiao retail axial in Shanghai, Linkong Block 10-1 Development, The Urban Crossing, is the focal point in the Linkong Business Park.
The programme calls for a boutique urban mixed-use project with office, retail, gallery, conference centre, and water promenade plaza, and to create a brand new landmark, which further establishes a strong civic presence through its iconic form and vibrant program mix. Portrayed as the Gateway of Hongqiao Airport Transportation Hub, the project is deemed to generate synergy from public and commercial activities.
In balancing the symbolic image with functional requirements within a limited site confine, the concept stacks stages and runways vertically using inter-connecting layers of platforms. These accessible platforms offer distinct views of the Park at various levels and locations. The Urban Crossing also signifies a dynamic mix of urban forum, showcase, stage, and observatory.
The form consists of two offsetting office towers with crisscrossing platforms linking at upper and lower floors. The elevated diagonal platforms invite circulation movements from three different axes and direct people flow to various levels. Simple shifting and connecting paradigm enriches the overall spatial quality, while satisfies functional requirements.
The Urban Crossing is the center point in Linkong Business Park where people gather to meet and exchange. The form, layering and circulation pattern combined to express the ‘crossing’ concept in architectural terms. Functional interaction and spatial extension between the interior and exterior, further strengthens and completes the inter-connected vertical living room/showcase concept.
Source Designboom. *