PODOLYAN Fashion Store in Kiev is work of the talented creatives at The FILD, a design and architecture practice based in Ukraine. The practice started collaborating with fashion designer PODOLYAN from re-branding and logo design.
“Consequently, to emphasize the spaciousness of the place, we decide decided to produce lightly sophisticated and exquisite furniture and to keep the show window as transparent as possible for a good view from the street. In other words, the idea was to make the interior of the store a part of the window display itself to draw attention of potential clients. “ – from Dan Vakhrameyev the designer of the interior project.
The 36 square meter space is located in the heart of Kiev, the architects made the best of the small scope by using the high ceilings as well as the impressive windows. For more of the project continue after the jump:
About FILD: FILD was established in 2012 in Kiev ( Ukraine) by Dan Vakhrameyev. Dan got his MA degree at Art-Design International University of Salvador Dali. Since then, he has successfully worked with Pinchuk Foundation, United Media Group, UART- Foundation for Cultural, YUMMY marketing communication agency, a number of fashion brands such as Ali Saulidi, SAYYA, Julia Woll, Podolyan as well as L’UVE. He has worked in branding, graphic design as well as commercial advertising lay-outs. Since 2013, FILD has also expended his field of expertise by engaging in and successfully completing architectural & interior design as well as branding projects for a Yoga studio, a few beauty salons, PODOLYAN fashion store and a flower boutique in Kiev. In 2014 Kateryna Fedorenko joined FILD as an executive director. Kateryna has her background in fashion industry, gaining her experience over a period of 12 years and founding L’UVE fashion brand. Having initially been a loyal client of FILD design company, she moved onto engaging herself fully with the company, bringing into this creative collaboration her management skills and fashion vision. Since 2014 FILD started its very first object design collection SUSTAINABLE ORIGINS.
Official web page www.thefild.com.