Installing cladding on the outside of your home is an excellent way to spruce it up, especially if you are looking to sell. There are many different types of cladding available, so you will need to choose which one is best for your home carefully.
Palliside Cladding
Palliside cladding is extremely popular with many home owners in Australia and for good reason. The exterior cladding is quick and easy to install and has many advantages over other types of cladding materials.
It does not warp in the sun
Comes with a 25 year warranty
The colour stays string and vibrant and does not fade
It does not powder
Can provide both thermal and acoustic insulation
Suitable for areas prone to bushfires
Is rated for use in tropical Cyclone C regions
If you are looking for a long term solution which is very low maintenance, then this type of cladding may be just the perfect solution for your home.
Read more after the jump:
Vinyl Cladding
Vinyl cladding has been around for quite a long time, and was brought in to replace aluminium. However, there are a few issues with using this material on the exterior of your home, and a lot of it is due to the Australian climate. It can be prone to warping and buckling due to the expanding and contracting of the metal. It can also become damaged after some time as the metal is soft.
Timber Cladding
For a long time timber has been used to clad the outside of homes and buildings. However, there are a lot of potential problems that you may come across when you choose this type of material for the outside of your home. Mildew and rot can be a major problem for wood, especially if you live in one of the more moist climates of Australia. Make sure that the timber cladding you choose is already treated against termites too.
Out of all of the different cladding materials that are available, Palliside cladding is the most reliable choice available. Make sure that when you choose cladding for your home that you do not base it solely on the price, as you will find out that doing this is a false economy. Other types of cladding do not last as long, or look as good for as long, and out of all the different types Palliside cladding requires the least maintenance. As the cladding also works as insulation you will find that you may even save money on your heating and cooling costs, with your home being more energy efficient. There is also a wide variety of different colours that are available, so no matter what your colour preference is, you will find a good colour quickly.
So if you are thinking of sprucing up your home, make sure to choose the right cladding for your home.