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Arc Booktower by Rintala Eggertsson

Installation: Arc Booktower
Designed by Rintala Eggertsson
Location: Victoria & Albert Museum, London, UK
With Arc Booktower project at Victora & Albert Museum, Rintala Eggertsson architects wanted to offer information of the biodiversity on our planet. Lined with the existing pillars, a free-standing wooden structure was placed in staircase hall corner, this bookshelf/library offered visitors a chance to choose an interesting book and withdraw to a peaceful space in centre of the tower. All of the books used in this project are second-hand (saved from destruction), view more images over at our sister site Design Scene.

Halley by Jordi Vilardell & Meritxell Vidal

18 Septemberplein by Fuksas Architects