Project: Social Community Center
Designed by PRAUD
Team: Dongwoo Yim, Rafael Luna, Jihyun Park
Area: 15 400 m2
Location: Sejong City, South Korea
Website: www.praud.info
PRAUD designs a solution for a modern Social Cummunity center in South Korean city of Sejong, the studio's name stands for Progressive Research on Architecture, Urbanism and Design. Discover more of the project after the jump:
From the Architects:
The Social Community Center is for various groups of the society; youth, women, family, handicap, and children. Instead of trying to put those groups into a single box, we tried to emphasize individuality of them. Therefore, each floor slides horizontally independent from each other and creates terrace space from the mismatch. Void in the middle is the space that interconnects whole floor and the core, which we call "Community Core", is what holds the balance.
To realize the mismatching slabs, waffle slab is considered as basic structural system that not only allows longer span and cantilever but also allows freedom of locating columns. Again, the core holds the horizontal force of the waffle slab so that each column can have less force to hold.