Encore Heureux designed the Circular Pavilion, a temporary building in Paris, made with recycled materials.It will host exhibitions, workshops, lectures and debates on the parvis de l’Hôtel de Vill. At the beginning of 2016, the pavilion will be dismantled and reinstalled permanently in Paris’ 14th district as a sports association’s clubhouse.
This building applies the principles of circular economy where one person’s waste is another person’s resource. Thus, the façade is made of 180 wooden doors recuperated from the rehabilitation of an apartment building; the stone wool comes from the disassembly of a supermarket roof; the floor is composed of used wooden exhibition panels; the furniture is collected from the different junkyards in Paris; the lighting comes from obsolete street lights; the windows and the wooden strips are taken from Parisian building sites surplus…
Both a full scale demonstrator of the potential that the reuse in architecture has, and a convivial place, great for the exchange of ideas and for encounters around a “café solidaire”, the Circular Pavilion offers, from the 24th of October to the 6th of January, a rich and diverse program, free and open to all: exhibitions, debates, events, meet-ups, puppet shows for children, drawing workshop and 3D printings…
Designed by the architects of the Encore Heureux agency -curators of the “Matière grise” exhibition which welcomed over 100 000 visitors in 2014 in the Pavillon de l’Arsenal, the Circular Pavilion will be dismantled in early 2016 and then rebuilt permanently in the 15th arrondissement of Paris to become the clubhouse of a sport association.