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ZHA & iSiMAR Present TOPOS: Innovative Outdoor Furniture Collection

Blending Mediterranean Living with Sustainable Design Principles

Courtesy of iSiMAR- TOPOS Collection

Zaha Hadid Architects, renowned for their groundbreaking architectural designs, have once again pushed the boundaries of creativity with their latest venture, the TOPOS collection of outdoor furniture. Collaborating with iSiMAR, a company known for its expertise in materials, this collection celebrates the essence of Mediterranean living while embodying cutting-edge design principles.

Courtesy of iSiMAR

Named after the Greek word for “place,” TOPOS captures the essence of leisurely moments spent with loved ones under the Mediterranean sun. Whether lounging by the sea, relaxing beside a pool, or seeking shade under pine trees, this collection embodies the spirit of outdoor living.

Inspired by the concept of topography, the TOPOS collection translates the contour lines of maps into industrial design. This unique approach not only reflects the landscapes of the Mediterranean but also symbolizes the rich quality of life associated with the region.

Courtesy of iSiMAR
Courtesy of iSiMAR

Crafted from galvanized steel, chosen for its durability in outdoor environments, TOPOS ensures longevity while minimizing its environmental footprint. The use of 100% recycled steel and locally sourced materials underscores a commitment to sustainability, further enhanced by the recyclability of each piece at the end of its service life.

Ergonomics, materiality, and structure converge seamlessly in the TOPOS collection, striking a delicate balance between personal comfort, resilience, and geometric expression. Each piece is meticulously designed to adapt to the unique needs of its users while withstanding the rigors of outdoor use.

Courtesy of iSiMAR
Courtesy of iSiMAR

With its blend of innovative design and sustainable practices, the TOPOS collection sets a new standard for outdoor furniture. From its inception, it embodies the ethos of Zaha Hadid Architects and iSiMAR, marrying design excellence with environmental responsibility. 


  1. Is it just me, or are Zaha Hadid Architects stuck in a time loop, churning out the same “groundbreaking” design tropes over and over? Don’t get me wrong, the TOPOS collection looks sleek, but it’s more of the same old story—just outdoors this time. Sure, the pieces are sustainable and embody Mediterranean vibes, but where’s the newness? Where’s the fresh angle that shakes things up? Seems like they’re just coasting on their past glories, trying to squeeze into every niche possible without really evolving. Anyone else feel like they’ve lost their edge?

    • Totally agree, it’s a big miss for Zaha Hadid Architects. Feels like they’re just recycling old ideas and slapping on a new label. The TOPOS collection? More like a rehash of the same old, same old but now with a patio twist. It’s honestly disappointing to see them riding on past achievements without bringing anything fresh to the table. They really need to step up their game and honor Zaha’s legacy with some actual innovation, not just play it safe. Seems like they’re just trying to fit into every market possible without genuinely pushing the envelope. What a letdown! 😒 #ZahaHadid #DesignFail

      • give it a rest man! it is what is meant to be, just like Zaha architecture haha

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