Of course, your office has to be highly functional, but when it comes to designing a workspace, looks matter too. You want to convey the right message about your business to your employees and any visitors to your premises, so it’s essential to get the aesthetics spot on.
Keep reading for some suggestions that will help you to design an office that truly reflects your brand.
Read more after the jump:
Find furniture that sends the right signals
You’ll no doubt have a list of practical requirements in mind when you’re searching for furnishings for your workspace. For example, any seating must be comfortable and supportive, while desks have to be spacious enough to allow people to perform their tasks properly. Beyond this however, it’s vital that you think about what signals these office essentials will send about your company. In its recent infographic ‘My chair: get the celebrity look in your office’, Furniture At Work highlighted some popular seating styles and commented on how they reflect on their owners.
For example, classic leather seats convey authority and dominance, so could be a great choice if you want to showcase your company’s professionalism. Meanwhile, seating in vibrant colours such as orange and red expresses a directness, assertiveness and boldness. If you consider your business to be innovative and forward-looking, striking hues like this may be ideal.
The same principle applies to all furnishings in your office, from your filing cabinets to your desks. Before you purchase any new piece, it’s really important to think about the message it carries about your organisation.
Don’t be afraid to experiment with colour
There’s a lot to be said for using neutral colours in offices. Whites and creams can help to give rooms an open, airy look and feel. However, relying too much on these understated hues can make your workplace appear dull and lifeless. To inject some personality, consider adding some more adventurous colours. If you can, include the shades that are associated with your brand.
To avoid overwhelming your office with bold hues, you may want to include strips or patches of colour. For example, you could incorporate a feature wall that’s offset by neutral shades elsewhere. Hanging vibrant artwork on the walls is another way to introduce a pop of colour without overdoing it.
Pay attention to every last detail
You want your workers and your customers to know that, as a company, you’re organised and in control. To demonstrate this through your office design, you’ll need to ensure you pay attention to every last detail. From displaying branded signage in the appropriate areas, to putting any certificates and awards you’ve picked up on display, to making sure all areas of your workspace are kept clean and tidy at all times, it’s important to strive for perfection. Finishing touches, like including a coat stand in your reception and making sure there are plenty of plants throughout your office, can help too.
Making sure that your office is an accurate representation of your brand and everything your business stands for does require some careful thought, but it’s well worth making the effort.
Images by Paul Czitrom – Red Bull Office Designed by SPACE