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Lawn and Yard Maintenance for New Homeowners

Lawn and yard maintenance takes a few tips, especially if you are to do it yourself, we talk to a few landscapers to get the best advice possible:

Lawn and Yard Maintenance for New Homeowners

There are few things as exciting as moving into your first home. And, if it comes with a lawn, then you’re probably already dreaming of all the time you’ll spend on the lush green grass. Truly, a lawn can be a cherry on top of that perfect new home. But how do you keep it looking its best?

For new homeowners, the long list of maintenance their home requires can be overwhelming. And, often tending the lawn can fall off the wayside until the time you realise it has turned into an overgrown mess. So, how do you avoid this?

Fret not! With this mini guide on lawn and yard care, we’ll cover certain key points you need to remember to keep your lawn looking lovely and fresh all year round.

Lawn and Yard Maintenance for New Homeowners

  1. Have the tools

Whether you own a large sprawling lawn or a small patch in your backyard, here are a few essential lawn care items to have:

  • A good quality mower
  • A hose or sprinkler system
  • Rakes & leaf blowers
  • A seed & fertiliser spreader
  • Hedge trimmer
  • Hand shovels
  1. Mow the right way

Usually, most lawns need to be mowed in every 5 to 7 days. But it also depends on the type of grass and the season. Some grass varieties that grow fast need more frequent mowing than the slow growing varieties.

The correct way to mow is to not cut too short. Maintaining height of around 2” to 3.5” is ideal. Go any shorter and you run the risk of inviting weeds and pests into your yard.

  1. Don’t overwater

Overwatering is one of the most common lawn care mistakes people make. Too much water cuts down the oxygen in soil and suffocates the root. It can result in a weak crop of grass, yellowing of leaf blades and even lead to fungal infestation. In most cases, watering your lawn about 1 to 1.5 inches once a week is enough.

  1. Test the soil

The secret to a good lawn lies in its soil. For a happy and healthy looking lawn, you need to keep its soil enriched with nutrients. But you may not know for sure what your lawn needs. This is why a soil test is recommended.

Lawn and Yard Maintenance for New Homeowners

  1. De-clutter the drains

Clogged drains are often the silent lawn killers. They can cause water damage and pest problems. So, make sure to check and clean those drains at least twice a year. More often during the storm season because the leaves and debris will choke your drains and they will become a thriving place for bugs and critters.

  1. Remove weeds

Weeds are a lawn owner’s worst nightmare. It may often seem like you’re stuck in a vicious cycle with them — the more you pull them out, the faster they grow. The thing is, weeds tend to have deep roots, which can spread quickly and regrow if they are not pulled out completely. So if you’re not digging deep enough, you’re only encouraging them to grow. The trick is to use a hand shovel to dig up the roots entirely. But if the problem seems out of hand, getting your lawn treated is your only solution. 

  1. Call the pros

DIY doesn’t necessarily work for everyone. If you notice the health of your lawn not improving even after regular care, it’s time to call the pros. Make sure to bring in trusted lawn care experts like Musturf who will provide you with law care advice, turf supplies, and maintenance services.

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